The Wellness Committee Recipe Submission

The  Wellness Committee is looking for your recipes! We are hoping to compile a USC cookbook of sorts and post it to the hub for everyone to enjoy. For your efforts, you will receive one stamp per recipe submission up to a maximum of 3 stamps (but you can submit as many recipes as you would like). It’s an easy way to collect some extra stamps on your Wellness Bingo Card.

Healthy ideas are great, but we’ll take anything! Trail mix, preserves, smoothies, vegetarian dishes, casseroles, drinks and desserts… any skill level from child’s play right up to Master Chef.

Found a use for all that left-over turkey from Thanksgiving? Let us know. How about those pot luck munchies that everyone raved about? Mr. Fenn- how about a certain pie that included caramel drizzled over the top? Got a great beverage that you serve up to special friends? We want in on the secret!

Attached is a template for submissions (the template will also be posted on the staff hub). We’d like submissions by November 23 so we can get it put together and posted in time for Holiday entertaining.

Please send submissions to Tanee ([email protected]) or Robin ([email protected]).


Your Wellness Committee

