Val Aggelopoulos
Student Development & Recruitment Manager
People and Development, Volunteer Resources

Phone: x82501

Valerie Aggelopoulos


Role Overview

I provide information, training, and resources to support student volunteers to enhance their volunteer experience and develop their capacity to lead.


  • Work with student leadership to ensure that volunteer roles are well defined, clearly linked to the goals of the Executive portfolio they support, and have clear and defined learning outcomes

  • D evelop and maintain an effective, transparent, and consistent recruitment and selection process for volunteers

  • Develop formal and informal means of recognizing and appreciating the work of volunteers within the organization

  • Develop and administer an evaluation process to gauge volunteer satisfaction, and assess the effectiveness of volunteers in meeting organizational needs

  • Assist with conflict resolution among USC volunteers in conjunction with Human Resources

  • Assess and mitigate risk associated with volunteer involvement