Building Services

Card Access Requests

Key Requests

Maintenance Requests

  • Call Work Control at ext. 83304
  • Be prepared to provide: i) Building; ii) Area or Office Number; iii) the nature of your request
  • Make sure to get a Work Order Ticket
  • Examples of no-charge requests to Work Control (part of the Occupancy Cost): – Room Temperature issues
    – Door issues – damaged / malfunctioning locks
    – Light bulb changes
  • Examples of billed requests to Work Control (not included in occupancy costs – please check with your manager):
    – Hang pictures
    – Assemble furniture
    – Additional cleaning – i.e. unscheduled carpet cleaning
    – Paint Renovations and certain repairs

Room Requests

  • Cconference rooms / event space Requests to be made on-line
  • Go to:
    (Email [email protected] for help or set up with login information)
  • Simple room bookings with user friendly a/v will be confirmed directly
  • Larger events or complicated set-ups will be assigned an event specialist to help coordinate.

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